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Yellow Fever Vaccine

  • 15 minutes
  • 65 British pounds
  • Vantage Chemist

Service Description

Vantage Chemist Coventry is a designated Yellow Fever vaccination center. Yellow fever is caused by a virus of the Flaviviridae family, which circulates between infected monkeys or humans and mosquito. It causes illness that results in jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes) and bleeding with severe damage to the major organs (e.g. liver, kidneys and heart). The mortality rate is high in those who develop severe disease. Yellow fever is a serious health concern, and there is no specific treatment for the disease. However, a safe and effective vaccine is available to prevent yellow fever. The vaccine provides long-term immunity and is recommended for individuals living in or traveling to areas where the disease is endemic. Vaccination with official certification is also mandatory for travel to certain destinations.

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